upward shot of palm trees and clouds

Clairvoyant Readings & Healings 

Most simply put, this is a spiritual hello

During a clairvoyant reading or healing, I read the energy in your space that signifies a period of growth or change. This type of reading is very affirming and can provide valuable insight into the path you're currently navigating.

This type of reading is for you if…

  • You want to know if you are on the right path

  • You are in limbo in your life and need guidance

  • You need healing – moving out old energy, ending stuck agreements, help moving out of one chapter and into another

  • You want communication from guides or people who have passed

  • You need guidance on a specific relationship, job, friendship, money, etc.

Types of Intuitive readings and healings

60-min Clairvoyant Reading

In this reading, I typically start with a cold reading (no background information) of where you are currently growing and changing. Then, we can deep-dive into the questions you have brought to the session.

30-min Clairvoyant Reading

A quick hello to address pressing questions you need guidance with.

45-min Astral Healing

This is a profound healing for the part of you that dreams at night. In this healing, you get to lay back, relax, and doze off, and I will clear energy in the way of you bringing your dreams to fruition. It's an excellent option for someone wanting movement in their creative space.

45-min Women’s Healing

A profound healing to the female body. In this healing, you get to lay down and receive. Think “energetic massage”. This is a great option for women looking to clear invalidation on the female body, have more permission to run their female energy, feel more empowered, and experience a sense of wholeness.